Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5 of 360 days to go!!

Well today was a great day! I woke up in a great mood, started to walk to the bus stop and the bus was there already eekk.....I had to run a sprint of five blocks, felt kinda good after I got over the not being able to breath.
Did really well on the food front breakfast, lunch light snack and dinner. This morning I had a friend tell me some very personal news, unfortunately it was not very pleasant. I am a firm beleiver that we all go through things for a reason and today I finally found out why my first marrige ended the way it did and that is so that I can be here for my friend who is now going through something that I did aswell.

I know that I am here to help her through this difficult time however I can, and that made my struggles all worth it.

Not to switch subjects drastically but I am so excited that I have signed up to be a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant, this is my new venture and my way to financial freedom and personal growth. I went to my second meeting last night and felt like a new person; to hear women with stories similar to mine and how this company has helped them conquer all there fears, worries, heartaches. I am so incredibly lucky to have met my friend who introduced me to this company! I can not wait to get my business started and start pampering people and to tell them what they could have as well.

Well I am off to bed to hopefully have a great sleep, good night my blogger world untill tomorrow!


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